
How Much For The Heaven?

PEOPLE LIKE ABU BAKR AL SIDDIQ AND SAYYIDINA OMAR AL KHATAB paid a big price for a piece of heaven. Here I am hoping to get my share of heaven as if I am entitled to be admitted right in when the fact is; I spend not more than 25 minutes a day performing my daily prayers in the comfort of a fully air-conditioned room. You may see me pray but I know my mind is not. In fact I'm thinking of where to go after this and who I should go see to have tea with. During Ramadhan I fast in the comfort of knowing that food is abundance during iftar. As a matter of fact there's so much food that I often wonder why should I worry about the poor and how hungry they can get. I live each day without having to worry about the threat of poverty. Forget about dakwah because it's too bothersome to spread Islam to those who need it. Forget about going from one masjid to another to study the kitab to understand Islam better. Forget about putting up with the discomfort of a pondok to study basic knowledge of Islam. Forget about putting up the effort to increase the iman because it's too hot be out in the sun to do anything in the name of Islam. Forget about learning the Qur'an and Hadith to understand Islam better. Forget about putting the effort to do anything connected to increase the level of iman. Forget about sacrificing anything for Islam because the money is meant for other things like nice clothes, nice shoes, nice car, new handphone, new computer, holiday abroad and a million other things I have to do and buy before I die. Forget about sacrificing my time to help the orphans. Forget about spending time for Islam because I may be too busy watching a nice movie on my big LCD TV. Forget about donating my wealth to those poor students who need the money to study in Jordan or Mesir. But hey, I'm a good Muslim.

I don't drink. I don't womanize. And I go to mosque every now and then. I attend Tahlil every now and then. I listen to Islamic programs on TV. I'm a good Muslim. I deserve to go to heaven. I don't sin. I do good deeds. I deserve the heaven.

For Malaysians, heaven is dirt cheap. For others, you may have to pay with your life to get to heaven. Abu Bakar Al-Siddiq. Omar Al-Khatab. Why Allah made it so expensive for them to get to heaven? And why Allah seems to make it easy for Malaysians to get to heaven? We don't have earthquakes, we don't have floods, we don't have famine, we don't have wars, we don't have anything with which we can measure our Iman.

And I wonder what's so special about me that I pray in the comfort of a huge room fully air-conditioned by 2 horse power digital-control Panasonic, and never have to worry about hunger while Rasulullah S.A.W pray in a room not bigger than a dinner table and he doesn't have enough to eat. And here I am demanding heaven as if I deserve it more than those who devote their entire life to search for Iman.

We must be one heck of a lucky people. We must be better than Abu Bakr Al Siddiq and Omar Al Khatab put together. As a matter of fact, we may have the impression that we are luckier than Rasulullah S.A.W.

I am blind as fried fish. Stupid as a chopping board. Arrogant as a door mat. And deaf as a dead mouse.